F3 Technology Partners | Transform your IT Infrastructure

EMBRACE THE CLOUD with F3 guiding your way

F3 Technology Partners knows moving to the cloud is complex and can be expensive. We won’t simply move your workloads from your traditional environment into the cloud. Instead, F3 will work with you to ensure moving your application to the cloud makes sense financially and that it will meet your needs. We will help develop infrastructure as code where possible, so a modern cloud approach is taken.

Which Cloud Providers Do We Support?

F3 Technology Partners work with the ‘big three’ cloud providers. We have advanced knowledge of Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform. F3 follows a true cloud agnostic approach and will recommend a cloud provider that is a best fit for the customer. We believe in a multi-cloud approach when possible. F3 has close partnerships with all three cloud providers.

What Solutions Do We Provide?

F3 Technology Partners focus on providing solutions to customer problem utilizing advanced technologies in the cloud. Public, private, or hybrid — F3 has the capabilities to get you there. Each cloud comes with its own complexities, this often leaves companies overburdened trying keep up. Let F3 help you with this.

Potential Services Include

What Cloud Resell Capabilities Do We Have?

F3 Technology Partners is a Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) for Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Microsoft 365. We have the ability to resell subscription and licensing consumption for all of these providers. Purchasing your consumption through F3 allows you to receive one consolidated bill, have access to F3’s cloud architects and upgraded support. F3 can also migrate you off of your legacy Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA) into a more modern CSP consumption agreement allowing you the flexibility of growth at your pace.

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