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Get Started with Automation: Part 3

Get Started with Automation: Part 3 Low Code / No Code Automation Not everyone has the technical skills or time to learn coding languages to create customized solutions. Thankfully, there are low code / no code alternatives available that empower individuals and businesses to automate processes and streamline workflows without writing a single line of […]

Get Started with Automation: Part 2

Get Started with Automation: Part 2 Manage Your Code Welcome back! If you tried things out from Part 1, you now have some source code written within your favorite IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Very cool to have some code do exactly what you want. A slight problem has emerged… I want to share my code with […]

Get Started with Automation – Part 1

Get Started with Automation: Part 1 Setting Up Our Toolbox Facebook Twitter LinkedIn “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now” Chinese Proverb That saying applies to many things in life (See Nike, ‘Just do It‘) but it also applies to automation. It can be daunting […]

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